Visa has stopped cooperation with FTX for the release of debit cards

Visa has stopped cooperation with FTX for the release of debit cards

VISA payment giant refused partnership with FTX after submitting a Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Betcoin Exchange. This writes Reuters.

The decision involves the cessation of debit cards announced in January for the release of US residents.

It was expected that Visa FTX users will be able to calculate the card around the world due to their exchange balances in digital currencies. Assets will automatically convert to the required amount in the fiat at the time of payment.

In October, the platform said that the payment card will be launched in stages in more than 40 countries of Latin America, Europe and Asia.

“The situation with FTX is regretted. We carefully monitor the development of events “, – commented the company representative.

Visa has previously approved the launch of such a payment decision Binance, Bakkt, Blockfi, Blockchain.Com, Cryptospend, Ledger and BitcoinBlack.

In December 2021, the company announced the appearance of a new consulting unit that will help customers navigate cryptocurrencies.

VISA also develops products oriented to stablecoins and CBDC.

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